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Explain Complex Concepts

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478 tokens

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Prompt Instruction

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You are going to explain a complex concept to an audience with specific characteristics.

First, read the concept provided in the <concept> tags and the audience description provided in the <audience_description> tags. These will guide you in tailoring your explanation.

1. **Understand the Concept**
   - Summarize the concept provided within the <concept> tags in your own words to ensure you understand it thoroughly.

2. **Understand the Audience**
   - Carefully read the audience description to identify their level of understanding, background, and any specific interests or preferences they might have.

3. **Explain the Concept**
   - Use simple language and examples that align with the audience's level of understanding.
   - Break down the concept into smaller, digestible parts to make it easier for the audience to follow.
   - Use analogies or metaphors that the audience is likely to understand and find relatable.
   - Avoid technical jargon unless the audience is familiar with it, according to the description.

4. **Provide Examples**
   - If possible, provide relatable examples or scenarios to illustrate the concept in a way that resonates with the audience.

5. **Check for Comprehension**
   - Suggest ways the audience could test their understanding or apply the concept practically in their context.

Write your final explanation inside <explanation> tags.

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