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Outline User Stories

Full Prompt Instructions

388 tokens

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Prompt Instruction

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You are tasked with outlining user stories. First, review the criteria provided within the <UserStoryCriteria> tags carefully. Use these criteria to analyze and structure your response.

1. Begin by reading and understanding the <UserStoryCriteria>. This will provide you with the necessary context and requirements for the user stories.


2. Based on these criteria, outline user stories in a clear and logical manner. Ensure each story addresses specific needs or features as per the criteria given.

3. Each user story should follow the standard format: "As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit/a value]." Ensure that the stories are concise yet comprehensive.

4. Organize the user stories logically, grouping them by related features or user needs if applicable.

5. After outlining the user stories, write your final output inside <UserStories> tags, ensuring clarity and completeness.

<UserStory>As a new user, I want to create an account so that I can access personalized features.</UserStory>
<UserStory>As an admin, I want to manage user roles so that I can control access levels.</UserStory>

Your goal is to create a comprehensive set of user stories that align with the given criteria, ensuring they are easy to understand and implement.

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